Recent posts

In this blog WordPress Core team members share their latest findings, awesome projects and everything worth knowing about WordPress and its lovely community.

In June, Andrea and Carolina attended WordCamp Europe 2024 in Torino, Italy. We also put some finishing touches on WordPress 6.6. Read on to learn what we’ve been up to for the past month! Our monthly updates Andrea On June I enjoyed attending WordCamp Europe 2024. For me, the conference journey started the day before […]

In May the team prepared for WordPress 6.6. We have tested the data views feature and continue to help polish the user interface to improve the usability and accessibility of the editor. In mid June, Andrea and Carolina plan to attend WordCamp Europe 2024 in Torino, Italy. We hope to see you there! Our monthly […]

In April, WordPress released version 6.5 and 6.5.2. The team also attended Yoast Contributor Day online. In our monthly update, Andrea talks about the Roma WordPress Meetup, and Sergey describes how we are working together to improve unit tests. Our monthly updates Sergey WordPress 6.5 On April 2, after five months of development, WordPress 6.5 […]

WordPress SEO posts

Of course we’ve been writing about WordPress & SEO on our SEO blog for a long time, find those posts here:

The holiday season is coming! And you can never start preparing your holiday sale too early! Find out more »

Discover the new features and improvements in WordPress 6.6, including enhanced site editing and preview capabilities!

Yoast SEO will no longer support PHP versions 7.2 and 7.3 from November 1st, 2024. Are you wondering why? Read more about it here!

Who is writing these WordPress core posts?

This is the team that is (writing about) contributing to WordPress core at Yoast.